
Empowering inclusive design with essential accessibility testing tools


Accessibility testing tools are essential for creating inclusive digital experiences.

These tools help developers and designers identify and address potential barriers that may prevent users with disabilities from accessing and interacting with web content effectively.

By utilizing a combination of automated testing tools and manual evaluation techniques, we can significantly improve the accessibility of our websites and applications.

This section introduces various tools that can assist in identifying accessibility issues, ranging from browser extensions to standalone applications and online services.

While these tools are invaluable, it's important to remember that they should be used in conjunction with human testing and evaluation for comprehensive accessibility assessment.


Here you will find a list of tools that can automate finding accessibility issues in your website.

However, automated testing can only take you part of the way to testing for accessibility issues.

The most reliable test is done by users who have accessibility issues and are familiar with assistive technologies.

That said, human testing should come after all problems detectable with automated testing have been addressed.

Chrome Plugins:

Other Tools:

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