
Stay informed with the latest updates from the Food and Agriculture Organization


News are an essential component of FAO's communication strategy. They provide timely updates on the organization's activities, initiatives, and important developments in the fields of food, agriculture, and global hunger. News articles help keep stakeholders, partners, and the general public informed about FAO's work and its impact on food security and sustainable development worldwide.

We provide three main components for displaying news content:

  1. Card: A compact, visually appealing format for showcasing individual news items.
  2. List: An efficient way to display multiple news items in a structured format.
  3. Detail page: A comprehensive layout for presenting the full news content with additional information.

These components offer flexibility in presenting news across various contexts, from homepage highlights to dedicated news sections, ensuring that FAO's latest updates are effectively communicated to its audience.


A compact, visually appealing format for showcasing individual news items. The Card component provides a concise yet informative presentation of news content, featuring key elements such as a headline, image, date, and brief description. This format allows users to quickly scan and access the most recent or important news stories.

Card title
Card title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Internal link


An efficient way to display multiple news items in a structured format. The List component provides a clear and organized presentation of news content, allowing users to quickly scan through headlines, dates, and brief summaries. This format is particularly useful for news archives or when presenting a comprehensive overview of recent updates, making it easy for readers to find and access the information they're most interested in.

Item title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Categories: Lorem, Ipsum, Lorem ipsum,

LoremIpsumLorem ipsum

Detail page

News Detail

A comprehensive layout for presenting full news articles with additional information and related content. This detailed page provides readers with an in-depth view of the news content.

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